Rapid, Point-of-Collection Testing For A Drug-Safe Organization

Drugs and alcohol can have an impact on workplace productivity, and replacing an employee can cost their employer an estimated $15,000 in lost productivity and replacement costs. Having a safe and physically able workforce is an essential part of growing your workplace. And testing for the most relevant drugs of abuse could help in growing that healthy workforce.

Automated. Objective. Confidential.

The rapid drug screen services provide rapid, instrument-read, expanded panel drug screening. It’s flexible for HR. It's intuitive for testing facilities. It's convenient for job candidates—and most importantly, it's fast for timely hiring decisions.

Expand Your Possibilities And Hire With Confidence.

The rapid drug tests for the most relevant drugs of abuse. It screens for an expanded panel of up to 13 drugs, allowing you to choose from panel options based on your needs and policies.

Grow Your Drug-Safe And Admired Workplace

The rapid drug tests for the most relevant drugs of abuse. It screens for an expanded panel of up to 13 drugs, allowing you to choose from panel options based on your needs and policies.

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